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Add Some Colour

chromatic-wheel-2As an artist as well as a writer, I know the importance of colour. Yet I’ve read a few manuscripts with a distinct lack of it.  Rather than ‘fifty shades of gray’ perhaps we should be looking for fifty words to express exactly what we envision.

Here is a list (not comprehensive by any means) to help you think outside the ‘wheel’.

Red: crimson, ruby, cherry, scarlet, brick red, auburn, vermillion, burgundy, candy apple, russet, maroon, ruddy, wine, rose…

Orange: copper, coral, tangerine, peach, pumpkin, apricot, carrot, melon, persimmon, topaz, mandarin…

Yellow: canary, butter, daffodil, amber, bronze, dandelion, goldenrod, straw, gold, lemon, saffron, mustard, ochre…

Green: avocado, ivy, lime, olive, emerald, bottle green, forest, chartreuse, Granny apple, teal, aquamarine, jade, aqua, neon…

Blue: azure, turquoise, cerulean, cobalt, sky, peacock, robin egg, royal, indigo, sapphire, navy, baby blue, cyan, denim, ultramarine…

Purple: violet, mauve, plum, amethyst, lilac, orchid, magenta, periwinkle, lavender…

Pink: (technically pink is a tint of red, not it’s own colour) salmon, blush, fuschia…

Brown: chestnut, tan, rust, caramel, coffee, beige, chocolate, ecru, dun, walnut, cinnamon, mahogany, burnt sienna, sandy, terracotta, khaki, sepia, fawn, taupe, burnt umber…

White: alabaster, snow, chalk, bone, ivory, pearl…

Black:  jet, ink, coal, ebony…

Gray: silver, ash, dust, charcoal, smoky, slate, steel…

Using metaphors and similes is another wonderful way to add colour to one’s writing. You probably noticed that many of the words in the above list are actually metaphors. Orange is an especially good example.  Many of the words for orange are types of food!

Have fun with this list and add a little colour to your writing – and your life!

This post originally appeared on the Inscribe Professional Blog on October 15, 2015. 

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