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Another Look at Booktrailers

A few months ago I took advantage of my “BookBrush” subscription and created several book trailers. I had some older ones made professionally when the first four books came out, but this seemed like a fun and cheaper alternative.

I’m not sure if Booktrailers actually generate interest in books – especially if no one is watching! It’s why I thought I’d feature a few of them here for your viewing pleasure!

To start, here are both the old and new trailers for CONSPIRACY OF BONES. They both have ominous music, which I like, but the newer version is a bit more updated, starting with the title of the book since it has changed.

Next, let’s look at how PLAY IT AGAIN has changed, starting with the new trailer and then looking at the older version.

Next week I plan to share a couple of other examples: MY MOTHER THE MAN-EATER and WIND OVER MARSHDALE.

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