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Become a TEMPEST TOSSED book launch partner

Taking some middle ground when it comes to launching a book

Well, it’s finally official. TEMPEST TOSSED is ready and will be released on August 14!

It’s a bit funny to me how times have changes, though. (Or is it me that has changed?) When THREE STRAND CORD released back in 2018, I spent months planning the book launch. I had incentivized prizes for buying the book on release day, hosted an online FB party, and literally put in a ton of work. It paid off, because in the end, the book was on Amazon’s best seller list for a couple days and made the “Hot new releases” list.

Contrast that to last December when I published the sequel BLOOD TIES. I was just happy to get it out there before the end of 2019 and did pretty much NOTHING to promote the book. And… it shows – even though I think it’s a super book!. (Still waiting for a review on Amazon. *Sigh*)


This time, I’m going for some middle ground. I mentioned to the people on my prayer team that it feels like there is too much “noise” out there in terms of people vying for attention online. We’re all getting “online fatigue”, I think. (I know, I am.) Yet, it would be irresponsible not to let people know about the release of TEMPEST TOSSED. In the end, however, I’m not convinced that online stats are the best measure of the success of a book. For me, it’s all about reaching people with the message.

So here is what I’m doing:

I created a Facebook group for book launches, and I am inviting anyone who would like to participate to join. In that group you have access to a limited time free download of all three books in the series. (Copies are limited: 75 Tempest Tossed, 50 Blood Ties, and only 25 Three Strand Cord)

What’s the catch? I really, Really, REALLY hope that people will take the time to read the book(s) and LEAVE A REVIEW once August 14 rolls around. (I know I keep harping about reviews, but seriously, they are SO important in driving traffic, and therefore sales, at all the online retailers. So important, that I am giving away a lot of books to get some!)

I will also be posting some fun memes and other stuff that can be re-shared to try to create some buzz in the days before launch.

If you want to be a part of the FUN, here is the link so that you can join:
I hope to see many of you there!

To see how you can PRE-ORDER go to the book page!

“…and pray on my behalf that utterance may be given to me in the opening of my mouth, to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel.” Ephesians 6:19

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