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- fiction on the edge without crossing the line - Get a free book! Free book! in God's rhythm and grace

The entire series in one handy volume!

Discover the joy of following God’s appointed times with one full year of daily devotionals based on the Jewish calendar. Each day contains a short devotional, scripture, and prayer.

Why follow the Jewish calendar? God gave us instructions for celebrating certain days, weeks, and special occasions – His appointed times. Some Christians feel these celebrations are not relevant, or that the New Testament did away with these traditions, but both Jesus and the early church observed this yearly cycle. We could argue they did so because they were Jewish, but Christians have been ‘grafted in’ to that very tree, so they are ours to celebrate, too! Observing God’s calendar is not the same as taking up a burden of tradition and is not necessary for salvation. Instead, it is a way to enhance our heritage as children of God. Enjoy these daily devotionals as we celebrate together.

This ebook version contains all four seasons in the series. You can also purchase each season separately in ebook, paperback, and hardcover. See the NON-FICTION page for more.