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Little Red In the Hood

Little Red takes on the task of befriending Mildred, the social outcast. On her way to Grandmother’s house, she encounters the Swine brothers who warn her about a possible predator, BB Wolf, and his apprentice, who are on the prowl. Little Red also meets up with a gang of tough ‘hooligans’ led by someone known as ‘The Man’. Fortunately for Little Red, when these ruffians find out who her grandmother is (the coolest old lady around) they escort her right to Granny’s door. Naturally, BB and Co. Are waiting. After a series of mix-ups and close encounters, Granny saves the day with her karate moves and all is well… or so we think.

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Fictitious Ink

All performance rights and royalties apply.

Great anti-bullying message suitable for all audiences!


The PLEDGE Project

Little Red In the Hood


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Fictitious Ink