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An eerie sensation stole over me in the opening pages... and I couldn't wait to read more.

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Marshdale. Just a small farming community where nothing special happens.  A perfect place to start over… or get lost. Once the meeting place of aboriginal tribes for miles around, some say the land is cursed because of the people’s sin, but its history goes farther back than even indigenous oral history can trace. Exactly what ties does the land have to the medicine of the ancients? Is it cursed, or is it just superstition?

Thomas Lone Wolf, a Cree man whose bloodlines run back to the days of ancient medicine but who has chosen to live as a Christian, faces prejudice from every side as he searches for the truth. He is befriended by local farmer, Con McKinley, who is wrestling with demons of his own. Caught between the two is new teacher, Rachel Bosworth, who finds herself in love with both men at once. Add to the mix a wayward minister seeking anonymity in the obscurity of the town; eccentric twin sisters – one heavily involved in the occult and the other a fundamentalist zealot; and a host of other ‘characters’ whose lives collide unexpectedly in the final climax.

This suspenseful story is one of human frailty – prejudice, cowardice, jealousy, and greed – magnified by powerful spiritual forces that have remained hidden for centuries, only to be broken in triumph by grace.

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