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Don’t Play the Comparison Game!

We’ve all fallen into the trap of comparing ourselves to others. Usually, it only leads to discontent, discouragement, or even despair. Writers are not exempt.

So-and-so has more reviews… So-and-so has a larger email list… So-and-so has written more books..…has more followers, is more outgoing, knows more about marketing, writes faster, writes better, (INSERT whatever comparison makes you feel bad about yourself and your writing.)

Conversely, we must also be careful not to become puffed up. The comparison game is also very good at doing that. Just reverse the above comments and add a self-satisfied smirk… I have more reviews, more books in print, more followers… etc. Does that sound like a person God is going to bless?

I firmly believe that God has called me to write.  However, God has also impressed on me that comparing myself to other writers is a dangerous pastime. Of course, we must learn from one another. That’s not what I’m talking about.

My writing journey has been unique. I’ve had to own my genre and subject matter which doesn’t always fit neatly into the traditional Christian marketplace. I’ve come to terms with the fact that I may never be able to make a living through my writing. I will likely never have a huge following. But if I can touch one life, that is all God has called me to do.

This article first appeared on InScribe Writers Online in March of 2023 as part of an “A-B-C’s’ of writing series. Thi post represented the letter “C”.

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