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Easter Stories & More

A new anthology published by InScribe Press

InScribe Press has released a brand new Easter anthology called EASTER STORIES & MORE. Although I do not have any pieces in it, I did write the forward, explaining how the book came to be.

It all started with several blog posts that were on InScribe’s blog back in 2019. Contributors were asked to write a piece from the point of view of someone who attended events that first Easter. We had stories from the various characters who appear in the Biblical accounts as well as some inanimate objects and even an angel! Each one was powerful and exciting to read and one of our contributors suggested that they be compiled.

The InScribe executive had been discussing another anthology in order to feature our member writers and even talked about using the CHRISTMAS STORIES & MORE, published in 2017, as a template for future anthologies. An Easter book seemed like the perfect fit!

For anyone involved in such endeavors, you will know that it takes a lot of work and volunteer hours to go from inception to reality. Calls for submissions selections, contracts, and editing are just the beginning. About eighteen months later, the final product is finally here. It includes the original creative non-fiction that I first mentioned along with short stories, poems, reflections, devotionals, and even some recipes. It will make an excellent addition to any home library or would make a wonderful gift.

Although I do not have a piece, per se, in the book, I am proud of how it turned out and proud of all the hard work that went into its publication.


1 Comment

  1. Thanks for sharing!

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