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Gardening – Both Real and Pretend!

My daughter loves to garden and I’m not sure where she got that from. I don’t care for it, despite the fact that I do enjoy the results. Fortunately for me, she has a large garden and keeps me well stocked with fresh veggies. She is also kind enough to share her preserves with me.

Here is a batch of produce she sent home with my husband recently when he stopped by for a visit. I also included this cute photo of a garden market made out of plasticine that my granddaughter made. I think she has the gardening bug, too.



  1. Kathleen Friesen says:

    I LOVE your granddaughter’s handiwork! The produce looks great, too. You are, indeed, blessed. 🙂

  2. Sheri G Hathaway says:

    My situation is similar, Tracy. I have always loved to garden and had a big one, too, when we lived on an acreage but since those days, we’ve lived in the city and my efforts at gardening here have been disappointing because the big trees take water out of the soil and hide the sun from my little plants. But now my daughter and her husband recently bought an acreage with a huge garden and she is in 7th heaven. It’s been her dream to have a big garden. Now, like you, I’m also reaping the rewards. She brings me a surprise of vegetables occasionally and it’s wonderful to have that garden fresh flavour on my table again.

  3. William Kendall says:

    Good ones, both the real and the plasticine!

    1. tracykrauss says:

      The plasticine is so cute in my opinion!

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