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Hanging Up the Masks

On Retiring After Nearly 20 Years Teaching Drama

It’s surreal in many ways… the fact that I have made the decision to retire from teaching public school after nearly twenty years in the classroom. I love my job – and who wouldn’t when you get to teach all the things you love like Art, Drama, and Literature? But I felt the nudge that it was time after my heart attack last year, and made the official decision this spring.

One of the things I will miss the most, I think, is my involvement in Drama. Although directing and producing (and sometimes writing) two productions per year can be extremely stressful, the creative energy I get back has been more than worth it.

Tomorrow is opening night for THE WESTERN TALE, a play that I wrote several years ago for another group of students in the Yukon when I taught there. It went on to find a publishing home and has been performed elsewhere since. It’s a rather dark play, based on Shakespeare’s comedy THEWINTER’S TALE, but set in the old west. This group really gravitated toward such a theme and so I decided it would be a good time to re-stage it.

Here’s to the final act in this chapter of my life!

If you happen to be in the area, come out to one of two performances at 7pm on June 19 & 20.


  1. William Kendall says:

    It sounds like you’ve made the right decision for yourself.

  2. Pam says:

    Hopefully your plays will continue to be performed long after you have retired! I’m sure they are wonderful if they are anything like your novels!!

  3. Sharon Espeseth says:

    Oh, dear Tracy, this is such a lovely Swan Song to your teaching career. If I lived closer, I’d be there. Please let us know how this goes. Blessings on you and your-after-teaching life.

    After many years in the classroom, I spent the last four years working at ADLC on a a Grade One program for home=schooled students. I was, however, still in the business of educating.
    I will send you a rambling free verse, still unedited, by e-mail.

    Brava, my friend!

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