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Hard Work vs. Effective Work

I am quoting from an email I received not long ago from author Nick Stephenson. (If you’ve never heard of Nick, check out his website here. he is literally a marketing guru.)

“How many times have you spent HOURS on something that brought you ZERO results?

But because it felt like “work” you thought you were doing something productive?

It happens all the time. And it happens because people lose sight of what’s important – and confuse hard work with effective work

The truth is, there are three goals you need to focus on if you want to grow your business.

So, next time you’re planning on doing some work… ask yourself:

  1. Does this help me create new products to sell (ie, “writing more books”)?
  2. Does this help me build my email list?
  3. Does this bring me more sales?

If the answer is “no” to any of those things, move on. I promise you will find yourself less ‘busy’ and more successful as a result – and you’ll be better placed to listen to what your readers really want.”

– Nick Stephenson

Great advice!

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