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Heart of the Matter 3 – Spiritual Bypass

Proverbs 4:23 says: Watch over your heart with all diligence. For from it flow the springs of life. 

In the last two posts, I’ve shared how God met me in a very personal and unexpected way through heart surgery. I had a very vivid vision of my heart which turned out to be amazingly prophetic. I also experienced uncanny examples of God’s perfect timing.

The experience taught me to be thankful for the small things – like a shower after so many days without one! I wrote a post right after it happened and in it, I mentioned three things that I was learning: RELAX, HAVE PATIENCE, and PRIORITIZE

It also showed me how many people were praying for me and what an amazing network of friends and prayer warriors I have surrounding me! Friends and acquaintances both sent their love and prayers via Facebook and other means and I even had unexpected visits from writer friends like Violet and Jeannie.

Later, while recovering at home, I had another dream about my heart. This time, God showed my three new arteries that were replacing the old, clogged ones. Emblazoned on these were the words FAITH, TRUST and SURRENDER. This is significant because even though I had four plugged arteries, I only needed triple bypass surgery. (Apparently one of the newly inserted veins could take care of two of the problems areas.) Even in my dreams God was showing me that He was in control!

I now have a saying fixed to my wall above my desk that says, “Faith, Trust and Surrender have bypassed Fear, Doubt, Anxiety and Pride.” I remind myself of this often.

I have one more post to share on this topic. In the meantime, guard your hearts because everything else depends on it.


  1. Violet N says:

    Wow, just wow! Just love those personal words from the Lord. And so glad you’re better. Take care.

  2. Holly Hutchinson says:

    So glad you’re sharing!

  3. William Kendall says:

    A fitting mantra!

    1. tracykrauss says:

      Yes, it has been very much a ‘mantra’ for several months now!

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