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Lessons from an enforced rest

Hip and back pain have had me immobilized these past couple of weeks. Without going into details, I’ve had to rest and rely on others to do even the most basic tasks around my home.

I couldn’t help but think of my word for the year which I blogged about earlier this month. “Dwell” took on new meaning as I was forced to let go of my expectations. I’d said, “Now, what is required is to surrender and let God make something of it if He so wills… I don’t need to strive or do more.” 


This sentiment has certainly been enforced! I had big plans for 2024 once I finished writing report cards at the beginning of the month. Rebranding and revamping my marketing, final rewrites and edits on two new books, not to mention ministry duties as my husband and I serve as interim pastors. All of this went by the wayside. All I was able to do was finish the report cards I’d started. Anything more was out of the question.

Honestly, I don’t see that changing for a few weeks, even though I’m hopefully on the road to recovery.

It’s made me reflect on what is truly important; what’s essential – not unlike the time I spent a few years back after my heart attack. Sometimes, to get our attention, God allows us to be immobilized. I’m trying to focus on the lessons instead of on the pain or the disappointment.

Thank you, Jesus, that I can trust in You no matter what. Even in this, I see Your hand of goodness.


  1. says:

    Thanks for sharing. I too have serious back issues, 4 surgeries. I emphasize and know I learned about about trusting God.

    1. tracykrauss says:

      Thanks for your empathy!

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