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Interview with Lester Tibbett

Lester w borderWhat is your full name?
Lester Ray Tibbett. My parents were country people – old fashioned, and they named their kids accordingly. My sister’s name is Patsi Mae. She hates it and goes by Pat, but I don’t mind so much. You can call me Lester, or Lester Ray – just don’t call me late for supper.

Very funny. I take it you and your sister are close?
Yes. I’ve been her guardian for the last nine years since our parents died. She was only nine at the time. I took over both the farm and the responsibility of looking after her. I suppose you could say I’m more of a father figure than a brother. 

That was quite a responsibility. Are you quite a bit older than she is?
I was twenty-three when my folks passed. You do the math.

So what brought a thirty-two year old boy from the country to the city of Calgary? (I did the math, as you can see…)
A combination of things. Bad debts (which I hate to admit) and old equipment, combined with several years of drought. Plus, Patsi finished school and it seemed like it was a good time to move so she could go to college. 

What are you doing now that you’ve moved?
I got a job with a big construction company called ‘Titan’. They’re in the process of building a high rise downtown. It’s new work for me, but I’ve always been pretty handy, and I learn fast. And you don’t grow up on a farm without knowing how to work hard.

Speaking of growing up on a farm, I hear you are also quite the rodeo cowboy. Is that true?
I’ve done my share. I used to ride broncs, but after an injury I gave it up. There wasn’t really any money in it for me and let’s be honest – it’s a dangerous sport. I still love watching, though, and I don’t mind getting back in the saddle just for fun.

Where is your favourite place to hang out in Calgary?
I go to this pub downtown called the ‘Urban Cowboy’ a lot with my friend Jed Malloy. I don’t drink much, but I like to play pool and it also has one of those old school mechanical bulls, which is a hoot.

Is there anyone special in your life?
You mean besides Jesus?

Is that a joke?
No. I’m a Christian and not ashamed to say it. If you mean a special woman, maybe, but that might be privileged information.

I see. If you did have a girlfriend, what kind of woman would she be?
Down to earth, I guess. I’m a pretty down to earth kind of guy myself. Not too pretentious and not too needy. And obviously she’d have to share my values.

Doesn’t sound too difficult, but then again you are over thirty and still haven’t found her. Do you think you’re being too choosy?
Absolutely not. I’ve been busy looking after the farm and raising my sister. I just haven’t had time for a serious relationship. Now that Patsi is grown, I’m starting to think more about my own needs for companionship. A life partner.

More than anything else, what do you want in life?
To be happy. To see my sister settled. That’s about it. Like I said, I’m not a very complicated sort of guy.   

Anything else you’d like to tell us about yourself?
That’s about it, I guess. I’m not that comfortable talking about myself. I don’t like being in the limelight. I just like to mind my own business and live a quiet life. 

Thanks for this interview, Lester.

In fact, living a quiet life isn’t really part of the equation for Lester. See how he deals with a rebellious sister, nosy neighbours, danger on the job site, and his attraction to a woman that probably wouldn’t have made his ‘must have’ list…

Follow the entire series starting with Lester’s story in NEW IN THE NEIGHBOURHOOD.


  1. Karlissa says:

    Cool idea, interviewing your characters! Though I have to ask: where did you get the photo?

    1. tracykrauss says:

      I purchased this one from istock I believe, but I also use dreamstime, graphicstock, and pixabay. You can get free or cheap image on all of these, but sometimes I like to pay for an image if I plan to use it for, say, a cover, which I did with all of the characters.

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