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Interview with Sherman Chan

Portrait of a pensive asian man sitting in office, with his colleagues in background

Q: We already met your sister Sherri in a previous interview. As twins, I take it you two are close.
A: I would say so, yes. All the ‘knowing what the other person is going to say before they say it’ and such.

Q: Is that true? Can you read each other’s minds?
A: I was just fooling with you, although sometimes it feels like it. We have no other siblings so I think that also adds to it.

Q: Your sister mentioned that your family has had high expectations for you both. What is your take on that?
A: It’s true. My parents worked very hard so that we could get a good education – good paying jobs. Sherri is a Math Professor and I’m an architect, so I guess they succeeded in their goal.

Q: And are you happy?
A: That’s quite a question! Of course I’m happy. I love my career.

Q: But?
A: I’m not sure where you’re going with this line of questioning. I did move back to Calgary after a time living in Toronto. I wanted to be closer to my family and I was already working on a project out here so it made sense.

Q: Is that the only reason you moved back?
A: If you’re asking if there is someone special, then the answer is yes. Her name is Carmen Lamont and she owns a cafe downtown.

Q: How do you think your family will respond to you dating Carmen?
A: My parents are very traditional, so of course they want me to find and marry a nice Chinese girl. I won’t disrespect them by assuming they will react badly to the fact that Carmen is not Chinese. We will just have to cross that bridge when we come to it – if indeed I get the chance, that is.

Thanks for taking the time out of your busy life to talk to us Sherman.

See what happens when Sherman moves home in BACK IN THE NEIGHBOURHOOD.

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