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NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH! Bo’s story released!

Bo Malloy’s story, NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH, the second volume in the Neighbours sequel called Keeping Up With the Neighbours, released yesterday. It’s the second in a seven part series that comes on the heals of the first series re-released last summer.

Who is Bo? In the words of several of his family members, he’s ‘the sensible one of the bunch’. that doesn’t keep him from some serious errors in judgement, though… Here’s the blurb:

Bo Malloy has moved to Calgary and taken a job at the local watering hole. As the only ‘sensible’ one of the bunch, he’s good at lending an ear to patrons and family alike and has taken on the task of untangling his sibling’s messes. When his boss’s sister moves to town, Bo finds himself attracted to her despite her snobbish ways, creating an unexpected ‘mess’ in his own life when she makes bad choices that leave his heart in shambles.





The next four volumes are available through pre-order! Releasing over the coming months every two weeks!




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