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Reflectioning on 2021

Positives and Negatives for a full year

The old adage “time flies” really does seem to apply. Once again, I am shocked by how quickly 2021 went by. In some cases, like you, I’m glad it’s over! However, looking back, I have a lot to be thankful for.

As a writer, I had a very productive year. My devotional series DIVINE APPOINTMENTS was published in four separate volumes. It was a long, four-year process of researching, learning, praying, writing, editing, and so forth, but I am so pleased with the final result. For those following along, we are currently in the fourth “Winter” book. Starting in March of 2022, we’ll be starting all over again, so you might want to get your “Spring” edition now.

I also published my first ever YA Sci-fi novel. ALIENS AMONG US was a pleasure to write and hopefully fun to read. It also marked the first time I tried writing in first person POV as well as present tense. Lots of firsts, but I like the result. (Hint: It could use some reviews on Amazon if you’ve read it.)

I did a lot of other authorly things, too– tasks that had been on my back burner for a while but I just didn’t get to them. It’s one thing I appreciate about the new normal. I have more time to get lots done! I revamped the covers for my NEIGHBOURS Series, published a new ‘blue’ edition of THE SLEEPYTOWN EXPRESS, launched three boxed sets, (the Three Strand Cord Series, Conspiracy of Bones/Play It Again, and NEIGHBOURS), and started a new weekly video called “Booktalks With Tracy”. I had more plans but they’ll have to wait until next year. (Audio books, revising My Mother the Man-Eater, and some new projects…)

On the negative side, all the talk about restrictions and the various polarizing effects of those conversations is wearisome. I’ve tried hard not to let the debate cause friction between those I love and care about. I respect the right of people to have different views on the subject. However, there has been tension. To me, one of the worst effects of Covid has been the disunity I see among friends, family members, and communities. Christians aren’t exempt, either. In many cases, it is believers who are the worst when it comes to offending one another, and that makes me sad. Satan’s oldest trick is to divide and conquer and make no mistake, he’s been working overtime these past couple of years! I cling to the fact that what Satan means for harm, God can use for good. I rest in the knowledge that God is not surprised or disheartened. He is still on His throne.

Then there has been all the crazy weather! Fires, floods… you name it. It has been a year of extremes. I am so thankful that I did not experience any ill effects of those extreme weather patterns, but I know people who were affected, and my heart goes out to them.

However, on a personal level, the positives definitely outweigh the negatives. I have been healthy this past year and so have my loved ones. PTL! I continue to be blessed in my job as an online support teacher. Despite all the upheaval in the world, my job pretty much remained stable since I work online from home. I’m grateful for my students and the wonderful staff at Heritage Christian Online School. 

I fulfilled my mandate as president of InScribe Christian Writers Fellowship, a Canada-wide organization for Christian writers, and stepped down in the fall. My time as president kept me very busy throughout the year with meetings, conference planning, and many other duties. I love InScribe, but I have to admit I am enjoying the extra time I have now that I am no longer on the executive.

So, that’s my 2021. At the beginning of the year, I usually choose a word or phrase for the year to help guide my plans. in 2021 I chose ADVANCE. Looking back, I can see that I did advance in many areas, both personally and as a writer. I am looking forward to what the next year brings.

May you have a blessed new year. See you on the other side!

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