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Rosh HaShanah

The Feast of Trumpets and a new year

Image by cstpdx from Pixabay

Today is Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year and the celebration known as ‘The Feast of Trumpets’. While I have been studying the Hebrew calendar for a couple of years now, and trying to follow many of its hallmarks, I do not pretend to be an expert. Still, today is a special day and I hope to take some time to reflect despite a busy schedule.

Someone once suggested that I listen to a traditional ram’s horn blast on this day. You can find many examples on youtube or elsewhere on the internet. It is, indeed, a powerful way to start the day and usher in another year.

So without further rambling, may I wish you many blessings in this coming new season. May God’s hand be upon you as you follow Him.

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