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Saying ‘I Do” Twice in One Month

Two kids and two unexpected, unorthodox, and absolutely fabulous weddings

February was truly the month of LOVE in my family for more reasons than Valentine’s Day.

TWO of my children got married unexpectedly last month! Yes! It’s true. Both weddings were joyous occasions but totally unexpected. Here’s the story.

Wedding # 1

I spent the first ten days of February in the hospital in Vancouver at the ‘Heart Centre” with recurring heart health issues. My eldest daughter, who currently lives in Victoria, BC, came over from Vancouver Island on a float plane to visit me in the hospital on Saturday, Feb 1. Apparently, she and her then boyfriend had been talking about eloping and had already bought rings. My other daughters had been telling them that Feb. 2, 2020 would be a cool wedding date since it is a palindrome – 02022020. That only happens every 900 years or so! That evening when they went out for supper with my husband, they decided to go for it.

The wedding took place in my hospital room the next day on February 2, 2020. They got their marriage licence in the morning, and since my husband is an ordained minister, he officiated. I was a witness and my hospital roommate – whose name happened to be Romeo (no joke!) was the other witness! We laughed afterwards that the wedding party wore matching blue gowns since both Romeo and I were wearing our hospital gowns. They hadn’t brought their new rings with them, so they bought some mood rings at the dollar store and used those in the ceremony. They stood in front of the large window in my room overlooking Vancouver’s beautiful skyline.

It was absolutely PRECIOUS. Certainly, it was unorthodox. The nurses were buzzing about it for days afterward. Talk about an unexpected blessing!

But there is more…

Wedding # 2

My son got engaged at Christmas time and he and his girlfriend mentioned on a few occasions that it would be cool to get married on February 29 during the leap year. We kept asking if they were going to do it, but they kept avoiding the question, so we thought they had dropped the idea, especially since no wedding plans seemed to be in the works.

Then our soon-to-be daughter-in-law phoned my husband to find out where our son was born. Afterwards, we wondered why she would need to know. I suggested that maybe they were filling out a marriage licence, but my husband, who has officiated at many weddings, reminded me that the form also asks for the birthplace of the parents of the bride and groom. (According to the JP who officiated at their wedding, that part is now ‘optional’. Who knew?!)

My husband isn’t one to give up easily, though. He texted her on Friday, Feb. 28 in the evening and asked her point blank, “Are you getting married tomorrow or not?” Her answer was, “Yes.” Since her family live far away, they decided they weren’t going to invite anyone, but just elope and then tell everyone afterwards. Since we already found out, they said we could come as long as we didn’t tell anyone else.

I must admit it was difficult not to let my other children know (and I feel somewhat badly about that, but we had to respect their wishes) but I am so grateful to have been there to witness their vows and to see how truly happy my son is with his new bride.

wedding feast!

In typical unorthodox and somewhat “crazy Krauss” fashion, we met at Sundance Lake Regional Park, a lovely little lake in the middle of nowhere with fire pits, picnic tables, and an outhouse. Of course, February in Northern BC meant snow and icy temperatures, but they braved the cold and said their vows in front of the fire pit.

It was totally casual and absolutely beautiful – perfectly fitting for the free-spirited and out-of-the-box people that they are. They lit the campfire together and we had wine and some shrimp roasted over the fire. 

In all, February was a crazy month with highs and lows that will be tough to top in future! Hospital stays and health issues were balanced with two unexpected but amazing family celebrations. My heart is full and I am grateful and feeling blessed!

Lydia and James

Zachary and Rebeccah


  1. Eva Ziehl says:

    Wow! What celebrations!
    Congrats to the kids! God Bless them as they walk hand in hand with Jesus!
    Am praying for your heart problem that you will feel the healing touch of the Lord!! He is able!
    Love from me!

    1. tracykrauss says:

      Thank you Eva. That means so much to me coming from you!

  2. Barb Carty says:

    What a pleasure to see your precious ones embracing Gods best for them. I’m sure you and Gerald will be the best possible mother and father-in-law.s. Lots of love and prayers all ‘round.

    1. tracykrauss says:

      Barb! How wonderful to reconnect with you! Thank you for your well wishes. God bless.

  3. Pauline says:

    Congratulations kids!!!! Blessings!!! Keep well.

    1. tracykrauss says:

      Thank you so much! All the well wishes are appreciated.

  4. Sharon Espeseth says:

    Wow! February was quite a month for you and your family, Tracy.. Congratulations to all of you for sticking together in good time and tough times. Blessings.

    1. tracykrauss says:

      Yes it was a whirlwind month for sure… Blessings Sharon, my friend!

  5. Rose Schwarze says:

    It was a happy occasion for your entire family Tracy , what a blessing to gain two more family members, congratulation’s to the newly weds

  6. Ronnie says:

    I love every little thing about this, Tracy. You are truly blessed with an extraordinary family. Why am I not surprised…. ?

    1. tracykrauss says:

      Thank you so much Ronnie.

  7. Ann Engell says:

    Oh my….I am just crying reading this! I am so very happy for all of you….Wow! After all this time…and knowing the Crazy Krauss family like I do, I am not at all surprised. Love you all.and best wishes to the newlyweds! Love Ann

    1. tracykrauss says:

      Haha! That you do! Pretty typical, I would say! Love you lots!

  8. Brittanie Park says:

    Beautiful! Congratulations to all💗

  9. Desiree Thiessen says:

    This is absolutely beautiful , and perfect. ❤️

    1. tracykrauss says:

      Thanks Desiree! I kind of like out of the box, don’t you?

  10. Cindy Sundby says:

    Congratulations to both couples. And so glad that you are doing much better.

  11. Addy Oberlin says:

    Oh my, what a month you have had, and survived it all. It is so good to see them getting married. A commitment for life.

    1. tracykrauss says:

      Yes, it is a blessing, Addy. God bless you too!

  12. Dennis R Hoehn says:

    Our congratulations to the happy couples. Best wishes to you all from Dennis and Marlene Hoehn in Saskatoon. Times that will be remembered for a life time!!!

    1. tracykrauss says:

      Crazy times for sure! But happy. Nice to hear from you both.

  13. Bryan O’Hagan says:

    Love it! Please pass on our congratulations to all! God bless! Bryan and Dale

  14. Julie says:

    Wow! That’s pretty amazing

  15. Gerry and Kathy Vigeant says:

    Sorry to here of your heart problems again. Awesome to hear you are on the mend. Two beautiful blessings, congratulations to everyone. God is Good.

  16. Roxanne Coles says:

    Awe wow!!! Congratulations all around ❤️

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