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Sensible Advice for Trying Times

From a keynote address by Phil Hills

These days it’s hard NOT to be bombarded with ranting and raving from every corner. Everyone has an opinion – and feels obligated to share it! Even well-meaning individuals get caught in the fray, often succumbing to negativity, blame, and finger-pointing.

Over the next two weeks, I want to share a few things I heard from two separate individuals, both from different conferences I attended, but who had surprisingly similar themes in their presentations. The short version: They both shared SENSIBLE and REASONABLE advice about how to react to the times we live in.

Today, I am sharing my takeaways from a presentation by Phil Hills, director of the Association of Christian Schools International. He spoke at a teachers’ convention I attended at the end of August. Next week, I’ll share from Steve Bell’s offerings. (He’s a well-known Canadian Christian musician.)

Phil’s presentation was called “Politics, Parents, and Where We Are as Canadians.”

Phil believes we are living in a “disempowering” age, as evidenced by people’s disconnect and disengagement with politics, voting, and other civil opportunities. At the same time, people are more likely than ever to express their opinions in a negative way on Social Media. Everyone is an “expert” these days, and those who don’t agree, are shot down. I’ve seen this even in Christian circles and it makes me sad.

He noted that we aren’t always going to agree with everyone else, especially when it comes to political views. BUT, politicians are people, too! When dealing with politicians (even adversaries) or people with a different worldview, here are a few guidelines:

  1. Find common ground that doesn’t compromise your beliefs.

2. Express appreciation for their service.

3. Be kind and respectful without compromising. Effective engagement brings truth in love.

4. Focus on ideas, not personalities.

Math 10: 19-20: …do not be anxious how you are to speak or what you are to say, for what you are to say will be given to you in that hour. For it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you

Phil said, “The politics of confrontation are limited in their resources and impact….Never use the enemy’s tactics to promote your own cause.” The enemy uses anger, blame, and rage. That is not the Jesus way! Relationship building is the Jesus way, and that can’t be done through slander and name-calling! Being rude and raging doesn’t actually achieve results.

Phil’s best advice: STOP facilitating the hatred of leaders who don’t agree with you. Instead, PRAY for leaders. PRAY for those who persecute you. This is biblical!

James 5: 16b “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”

The righteous are not people who do everything right but are those who know the one who can. Be available and be obedient – that is the baseline.

Next week, I’ll share some more sensible (yet powerful) advice from another source: Musician Steve Bell.


  1. Joanna says:

    Phil HILL!!! You articulated what he shared so well. I cannot wait to hear what you share from Steve Bell and I also hope that we continue to get sprinkles of what TRACY KRAUSS thinks about this issues. (Not sure why my computer autocorrects to all caps for you name, but I like it. You are a big deal.)

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