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The Gift of Fiction

I love curling up with a good book. Time melts away as I’m transported to another realm. That’s the power of fiction.

Stories draw us in and have the power to change lives, often in a way that mere facts cannot. They spark our imaginations and help us connect with the world, bringing different perspectives and exposing us to places that we can’t necessarily experience on our own.

As a Christian writer, I see huge opportunities to minister to others using fiction. Jesus told stories to get His message across, so I know I’m in good company. People often respond to fiction on an emotional level without even realizing it. Truth wrapped in a story is less threatening and more easily received. It also allows the writer to address relevant topics without being too heavy-handed or judgemental. The story does the convicting.

Of course, not everyone agrees. Some people genuinely prefer non-fiction to fiction. They choose magazines over novels or documentaries over movies, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Where I take issue is when fiction is presented as a waste of time. A story doesn’t always have to have a moral buried within. There doesn’t always have to be a practical side. As human beings, sometimes we just need to be entertained. God placed us on this earth to enjoy life. Happiness is a gift. “That each of them may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all their toil—this is the gift of God.” Ecclesiastes 3:13 (NIV)

Since we were created in the image of God, fiction is an expression of God’s infinite creativity placed within us. Like any artistic pursuit, fiction has value in that it is an expression of who we are as humans. This makes me happy!

This article originally appeared in the May 2023 issue of FellowScript Magazine. It is reprinted with permission.


  1. Joanna Cann says:

    I love this so much and believe it as well. I just listened to a talk on Youtube (if you want me to find it, please ask) where the speaker shared that he believes that fiction actually helps people more than non-fiction. His arguments related to emotional connection and helping “move” people. I really resonated what you wrote here and congrats on having it published in FellowScript Magazine too! WAHOOO!

    1. tracykrauss says:

      Thanks Joanna. Obviously, I believe it to be true as well!

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