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Thirty-Eight Years and Counting

A Wedding Anniversary Post

Tomorrow is my thirty-eighth wedding anniversary! December 29th seems like a random day to get married, but it made sense to us at the time.

First of all, I felt overwhelmed with wedding plans in general. I’m not much for ‘froo-froo’ gowns or other expenses for something that is over in a day, so we scrapped our June wedding plans and just jumped in a couple of weeks before the actual date!

It also seemed like the perfect date since my grandparents got married on December 29, too. They eloped in 1920, so it was their 62nd anniversary when my husband Gerald and I tied the knot.

We kept everything fairly informal and simple. Even then, we had no idea how much work it was for our families to host a wedding right after Christmas. We were just happy to be getting on with it!

Here’s to my best friend and lover! Let’s add lots more years to our tally!


  1. carling park says:

    Wow! 38 years.. I remember that day. I think Gerald got ready at our house. Isn’t this the day you committed your life to the Lord? And He has been with you and blessed you greatly. Happy Anniversary and may the Lord bless you with many more💕

    1. tracykrauss says:

      Yes, he did get ready at your house! I’d actually forgotten that. That may be the day he committed his life – not totally sure. anyway, so lovely to ‘hear’ you here! God bless you and Craig!

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