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Lots of Activity to End the Summer

A busy summer of writing and releasing is coming to an end

Phew! Well, another successful book launch has come and gone. ALIENS AMONG US is now “out there” in the world, looking for readers (and reviews!) It has been a busy summer of writing and releasing, but it is soon coming to an end.

I mentioned in my newsletter and elsewhere that it has been a very productive – and busy – summer for me. Besides ALIENS, all four seasons of my devotional book are now in paperback, hardcover, and ebook.

AND the complete series is also set to release on August 27th on Amazon! (It’s already available on other platforms if you prefer.)

Divine Appointments One Year Devotional Based On God’s Calendar will only be available as an ebook because it came in at a whopping 900 pages, so it isn’t very practical as a print book. If you like print copies, you can get the four-volume set instead. (They’d make a nice gift – just sayin’!)


You may also recall I’ve been making some changes to my NEIGHBOURS Series. Last week I asked for feedback on a cover choice. My favourite was actually Option #1, but as some of you pointed out, it looked more suitable for a mystery or suspense, not a fun romance like NEIGHBOURS. Options #2 is definitely more what’s trending, but I wasn’t completely satisfied… A few more tweaks – thanks in part to some really good feedback – and here are the winners!

Note that I also used them to create a boxed set/combo cover. You can visit each book’s page for a better look: NEIGHBOURS 1KEEPING UP WITH THE NEIGHBOURS 2Complete Set. 

Finally, I decided to bite the bullet and do some revisions on one of my older novels, MY MOTHER THE MAN-EATER. It has been out of print now for a few years (although still available as an ebook, I think.) Anyway, I’ve grown a lot as a writer since it was published in 2010 and I decided it was a time for a refresh. (Since I got the rights back a couple of years ago, I can do that!)

Why so much writerly activity over the summer? Well, school starts very soon and I will be preoccupied with students for the month of September, not to mention InScribe’s Fall Conference is coming up at the end of that month. As the outgoing president, I’ve been busy on the planning committee and will have some final duties to perform.

So, I’ll take one more week to breathe and then jump back into my three-ring circus act! Until then, adios!

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