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A Cord of Envy

Tyler Fletcher comes across as an all-around nice guy. No worries, not a lot of ambition… except deep down he knows there’s more, including getting past the “friend zone” with a certain woman. When his childhood friend gets into serious trouble with drug addiction, Tyler realizes he needs to step up his game and be the man God has called him to be. “Do not envy the wicked or desire their company,” means re-examining all he holds dear and making a shift before disaster strikes.

Book 3 in this three-part novella series”

Frayed Strands

Revenge. Bitterness. Envy. Even the nicest people can succumb to these vices when they are allowed to take root. Follow the lives of three characters from the Three Strand Cord Series tied by circumstances and fate as they navigate unforeseen circumstances following the betrayal of trusted friends and colleagues. Frayed Strands includes three novella-length stories that highlight God’s grace and forgiveness—even for the imperfect.

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