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Neighbourhood Upstart – Volume 4 – PIP

KEEPING UP WITH THE NEIGHBOURS – Volume 4 – Neighbourhood Upstart – PIP

Look out! The Malloys are taking over the neighbourhood! Pip Malloy is sick of being treated like the baby of the family, so makes a decision to stay out west with his other siblings. He thinks of himself as a ‘ladies man’ – and no wonder. His easy-going charm and good looks mean he’s never without female attention. His philandering ways get him into hot water, however, with his siblings, friends, and co-workers. Will this playboy ever meet his match?

Note to readers: This series, although labelled ‘Christian’, does contain elements that may be troubling to some readers, such as the use of alcohol as well as pre-marital sexual encounters. (The latter takes place ‘off camera’.) There is, however, a faith-based element throughout with a strong redemptive message at the end of the series.


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an interview with Pip…