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Playing It Again…

Why this book still holds a special place in my heart

I like redemption stories, especially when they involve unlikely heroes. They remind me that God doesn’t wait for us to get our lives together before calling us, and even after the call, He doesn’t expect us to become something we aren’t. We still have certain God-given personality traits – ‘quirks’ and flaws that He can use to reach other flawed people.

I’m also fascinated by the ‘opposites attract’ trope. It may seem cliche, but I think there’s some truth to it. I think God has a terrific sense of humor when He brings people together because he knows what we need better than we do.

These are two of the factors that led me to write PLAY IT AGAIN, the first book I ever wrote. (Not the first to get published, but that’s a different matter!) The two main characters in PLAY IT AGAIN are flawed, quirky, definitely polar opposites, and certainly not typical – all things that make them ideal candidates. And redemption and forgiveness are the two main themes of the book.

This book is set in the 1980s because that’s when I started writing it! It’s also the era of my own conversion, so I could relate to the people and the time period. Perhaps that’s why PLAY IT AGAIN still holds a special place in my heart. I was just re-reading parts of it the other day for promotional purposes, and I had to smile. I still love these characters and this story!

If you haven’t had a chance to read it yet, it’s currently free at most retailers! (And a review or rating would be much appreciated!)

Also available as an audiobook!


  1. Joanna Cann says:

    I love redemption stories too!

    1. tracykrauss says:

      yes! Thanks for leaving a comment, too!

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