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Regency by GL Robinson

More book reviews!

Lately, I’ve had time for more reading than usual. I was recently on a week-long excursion to Vancouver, with a side trip to beautiful Bella Coola, but during that time I also managed to do some reading in the evenings or in waiting rooms. (It was a medical trip.) Then when I got home, my husband ended up with some sudden, unrelated medical issues and I spent more time in waiting rooms…

However, these days, a good book is never far away! My phone is loaded and so I devoured six (yes – SIX) books by my favourite Regency author, GL Robinson.

I admit that after reading so many of her books in a row, I did begin to see similarities – even a formula if I dare put it that way. However, her writing style is so witty and delightful that it doesn’t matter!  Her heroines tend to be feisty, headstrong, and intelligent, often defying the social norms, or at least figuring out ways to get around them without scandal. Heroes are dashing, rich, and sometimes “rakes” who reform when faced with true love. There is always intrigue and often an evil entity who tries to thwart the happiness of the pair.

However, she also manages to engage readers with her wit and tongue-in-cheek humor. She’s a “Brit” herself and you can tell she understands the period and customs very well. The stories feel authentic and are well-researched with lots of detailed descriptions about the setting, the wardrobes, the customs, and the historical goings-on, all without feeling like we’re getting a history lesson or slowing the story down.

There are some unusual situations, too – enough to feel like each one is fresh. If you haven’t read anything by GL Robinson and like Regency, I highly recommend her work.

The books I read these past two weeks were:

Repairing a Broken Heart; Cecilia – Or Too Tall to Love; Imogen Or Love and Money; Rosemary or Too Clever to Love; The Lord and the Red-Headed Hornet; and The Lord and the Cat’s Meow. However, I’ve read several other books by this author, too. Check her out on Amazon!

You can read all of my reviews of GL Robinson’s books on GoodReads

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