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Why bother writing a sequel to the first NEIGHBOURS Series? For one thing, despite some negative reviews, lots of people who did enjoy the series asked for one! That’s reason enough in my books. Secondly, I fell in love (not literally) with Jed Malloy and his rather rustic ways. Here is what I say in the forward to the series, which explains it quite nicely, I think:


Jed Malloy first came alive in NEIGHBOURS Series 1 as a minor character who just wouldn’t go away! Even though he had a small part to play in that first series, he made his mark with his quirky ways and ‘down-home’ manners. He soon became one of my favourites – and apparently yours, too, if reader feedback means anything! I knew I needed to continue the series and make Jed’s large family the stars. As I began to write, I soon discovered that every member of Jed’s family was just as unforgettable as he was, each in his or her own way. It has been a fun ride getting to know these folks better. In the end, it was even more special for me to see some of them come to know Jesus as Saviour. Welcome to the neighbourhood!

As well, here is part of the ‘Dedication’:

This series is dedicated to all my wonderful friends from ‘The Rock’. Newfoundland culture has a special place in my heart since so many people from there have a special place in my heart, too. You always make this ‘come from away’ feel welcome. This one’s for you!

Six of the seven volumes are already released or available for pre-order!

Vol 1 – Neighbourhood Tangle – JED

Vol 2 – Neighbourhood Watch – BO

Vol 3 – Neighbourhood Rebel – REBA

Vol 4 – Neighbourhood Upstart – PIP

Vol 5 – Neighbourhood Freedom – WILL

Vol 6 – Neighbourhood Cupid – ZEB


  1. Tracy Krauss says:


  2. It’s good to revisit characters, especially when they’re not done with their story.

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