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(Yard) Work In Progress

Or Playing In the Dirt

Yes! It’s finally happening. 

I’m talking about our yard, which has been a “Work in progress” for several years, now.

I’ve been blogging over the past couple of years about our “adventures” when we suddenly (very suddenly!) had to move into a house that we’d been working on, but wasn’t yet finished. We’d bought the house more than a decade ago as a project with the idea that we might move in someday… Then my husband got the bright idea to put a “For Sale” sign in our residence window just to see what would happen, and BOOM! It sold practically overnight!

That was two years ago and I’ve blogged about the trials of scrambling to get the “New” house in some kind of livable condition, living without a kitchen sink for four months, and oh-so-much more…

Naturally, the yard had to take a backseat to the interior when we first moved over. My expectations were low and I was happy to get a front step in year one so that I didn’t have to “fall” out the front door… (Literally, it was a three-foot drop.)

In summer number two (last year) we focused on building a shop for my husband so all of his tools and other treasures that had previously been in the garage and were currently piled in the basement could find a better home. √ Check! 

This year the plan is to tackle the mudhole that is the driveway, the “pitcher’s mound” of topsoil where a lawn should be, and the gravel pit in the backyard…


I have pictures to prove it’s begun!





I’m still hoping for a back deck and some planter boxes, but I don’t want to get my hopes up too high! Baby steps, right? Maybe I’ll have a “Part 2” later this fall. One can only hope!


  1. Priscilla says:

    Looking good! Can’t wait to see the green grass sprouting!

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